Mercer County, Ohio - Auditor, Randy Grapner

Mercer County Tax Distribution for Tax Year 2021

Go to the Tax History Page for Parcel Number: 30-028700.0000

County2 7.25 15.18% $283.59
Township 5.57 11.67% $217.95
School 30.22 63.30% $1,182.27
Corporation 0.00 0.00% $0.00
Tri-County Mental Health 0.69 1.45% $27.14
Library 0.71 1.50% $27.95
JVS 3.29 6.90% $128.82
Fire 0.00 0.00% $0.00
Other 0.00 0.00% $0.00
Total Tax 47.74 100.00% $1,867.72
Special Assessments: $2.00
GRAND TOTAL: $1,869.72
1Rate: Effective Tax Rate
2County: County General, Cheryl Ann School, and Senior Citizens

DISCLAIMER: The information found on this document is for informational purposes only and should not be considered official. While the information on this site is believed to be accurate it is not guaranteed. Mercer County is not liable for errors or omissions, but we would appreciate an email or a call if something appears to be incorrect.
Data is current as of: 4/17/2024
Mercer County, Ohio - 2022